Halloween Safety for Teens

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For generations Halloween has been
holiday looked forward to by children. Who
doesn’t like the opportunity to pretend to
be someone (or something) else for a little
while? However, the world has changed
and safety is more of an issue than it was
for your parents. While this doesn’t mean
you can’t celebrate, it does mean you have
to be careful, both for yourself and for any
younger siblings that you are supervising.
If it’s going to be left up to you to take the
kids trick or treating, ask your parents to
have a discussion with them about the
danger of strangers and why it’s important
for them to listen to you and follow the
And the same applies to you if you have plans to celebrate. Your parents need to know that you
understand as well, so talk to them.
The number one rule for any age is
go into a stranger’s house. If you’re taking a child
trick or treating, let them know that you must always be in sight before ringing the doorbell. In
their excitement, it’s easy for them to run ahead and become separated from you.
Extra care should be taken before crossing a street. I know you’ve heard that before but those
younger kids probably don’t pay attention as well as you do so you need to keep reminding
yourself. There will be people celebrating in cars as well as parents driving along with their kids
instead of walking with them. It’s just a fact that attention is going to be distracted so tell the
kiddies to double check both directions before crossing a street. Or better yet, wait for you.
Are going out to a Halloween teen party? It’s important for you to let your parents know where
you will be and who you will be with. If you are attending a party, try not to be embarrassed if
they call the other parents before you are allowed to go. Understand that they are concerned for 
your safety. And don’t leave the party without notifying them or leaving a message with one of
them. You can disappear just like the little ones!
If you are the designated driver, make sure the car is full of gas. No one wants to run out and be
stuck in a secluded, dark place like a scary movie (Think of Elm Street!) or anyplace where
someone could be hiding. Also make sure you have a cell phone and it is fully charged. And no
drinking and driving!
Because safety is such an issue at Halloween, your parents are bound to worry about you while
you are out. To make it easier for everyone, discuss a curfew with them before you leave and
meet it. Not only will you relieve their anxiety, you’ll develop their trust and isn’t this what you
Understand that vandalism is never cool, no matter what your friends may say. Thrown eggs
can ruin the finish on a car. Splashed paint on a house can cost the homeowner hundreds of
dollars. And if you are caught, you can be arrested and punished. Being a juvenile is no excuse
for a wrong act. Ask yourself how you would feel if the situation were reversed.
Some people seem to think Halloween is an excuse for doing harm to animals. Cats seem to be
a particular target, possibly because of the tales of witches and their cats. You need to know
that cruelty is never acceptable behavior. Outside of the fact that a helpless living thing should
never be hurt, animal cruelty is punishable by law. Do not engage in this and try to stop others.
If you cannot, walk away. Don’t stick around to be charged as an accessory to the crime.
Open discussion between you and your parents concerning safety should ease their mind and
leave you free to have the great time you want.

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