Healthy Alternatives to Halloween Candy

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Children can eat an unhealthy amount of sweets during the holidays beginning at
Halloween. If you prefer that your children not eat so much sugar, consider these
healthy alternatives to Halloween candy. Your children, and those who come to trick or
treat at your home, can still enjoy a sweet treat but they can be much healthier than the
normal Halloween fare.
Raisins are a perfect treat to give children when you want a healthy alternative.
You can buy them in singe serving sizes which make them easy to hand out to
any witch or ghost which comes to your door. They are loaded with antioxidants
and taste delicious.
Even though some children have allergies to peanuts, you can give the little
goblins that come to visit you other nuts. Walnuts, almonds and cashews are
some options to consider.
Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are other great options for healthy Halloween
alternatives. They can often be found in small packages and can be a great
choice for children who like crunchy snacks.
Some snacks come in individually wrapped, 100 calorie servings. Better than a
ton of sticky, gooey candy, these treats will help soothe a sweet tooth and you
can control how much they eat.
Juice boxes can also be a good alternative to give out to children trick or treating
in your neighborhood. Chances are any child out for an evening of fun will
become thirsty so having juice can be just what they need.
Graham or cheese crackers also come in individual servings. They are much
healthier options than a candy bar or other sugary snacks. Pretzels would also
be something to consider handing out Halloween night.
Chances are your children are going to come home from trick or treating with mostly
candy in their bag. Go through the candy they receive and make sure the packages are
intact. You can also use this time to pick out any candy or treats you don’t want your
children to have for whatever reason.
Candy in and of itself is not a bad thing. Anything can be enjoyed in moderation.
Consider ways you can control how much sugar they get on a daily basis. Store the
candy haul somewhere the children can’t easily reach. Then each day, as an
afterschool snack or treat, let them have one or two pieces. This will give them the
enjoyment of eating candy but without all of the possible problems.
Parents often have a hard time balancing being too strict or too lenient especially when
it comes to candy at Halloween. There are healthy alternatives to Halloween candy. Use
one or more of the above options and you can feel better about what your child eats.

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